Hospital #2

'How do I make one?'

At that moment a bigger screen appeared in Seth's retina. The whole screen looks like it was taking out of the game Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 character creation. Telling him to choose his gender not giving him the option to back out and look at the other Xenoverse 2 races. With the look-alike fat Buu for the male option and the skinny female version for the female option.

'Can I change my avatar whenever I want to?'

[Only his/her clothes]

'This'll be good my enemies will probably underestimate my "transformation" hahaha.'

As he said trying not to cry not wanting to create a fat Buu avatar as he mentally pushed the male gender option only to find that there are way more body choices than in the game.

'I'm just going to think that was a coincidence and let it go!'

'What to create? What to create? Hmmm. oh by the way when I do finish creating my avatar I don't want to immediately turn into my avatar only when I say it's okay ookkay.'


'I won't make that mistake again Oh that goes for every character creation I make.'


'Good time to start.'

[Acknowledged playing AC/DC Back in Black on repeat]

'Oh classy'

[Well I'm back in Black~ Yes I'm Back in Black~]

'Hmmm although I said it in contempt I do like the idea of my enemies underestimating me because of my appearance.'

As he left the music in the background play he's made his Majin Avatar. He made a Black Kid Buu. It would let him proceed without a shirt and he could add one later if he wanted. He kept the pants the same but he changed the black wrist guards to red the gold outline white he did the same thing too his belt and boots. There was no M on his belt which he was happy about the system did allow him to put a symbol on his belt but he can find anything he liked so he just left it blank.

There was no name or voice option. That kind of made him sad he wanted to choose voice 8 because the famous YouTuber Takahata101 voiced it.

'Well seems like I'm done."

A screen appeared in front of his retina again asking him if he was sure yes or no?


[Congratulations host on creating your first avatar. But it's time for something you should be aware of]

'What? What is it?'

[Your Ki Host since the addition to your Bloodline it's gained a tremendous power up it's been leaking out it may attract some dangerous fellows]
