Hospital #3


Seth went and started to feel the ki in his body it was multiple times stronger than he was originally.

'What the f*** why didn't you tell me this sooner?!'


Seth didn't even wait for a response and started to control his ki. Much like the skills he was training he started to power-level this one. The XP was skyrocketing with just one night.

Unknownst to Seth a middle-aged man black hair, white eyes wearing a hakama opened his door a little and peeped inside observing him before he even woke up.

Mysterious Old Man POV

"My god he's ki is ungodly. But he's such a small child only to be looking three or four not even Hayato Ki is that strong. A finished blade may begin to crack if not taken care of."-???

The mysterious old man stayed there throughout most of the night continuing being shocked by the young child again and again.

'Ah, he woke up he doesn't seem to be surprised he's here. I guess he's still tired he went back to bed....'

'His vitals raised for a few minutes there. Was his Ki hurting him?....... '

'What the heck he started controlling his Ki?!.....

'He's getting better at controlling his Ki as time goes on at an alarming rate too! But he seems to be asleep is he unconsciously controlling his Ki?! Then why wasn't he doing it before?! That's it I need to find out more about this kid.'

The mysterious old man looked at the room number.

'Room 204 huh.'

The old man went to the receptionist area to ask about the conditions of the boy.

"Hello, miss?"- (Old Man)

"Yes, Mr. Kōetsuji."- (Nurse)

"I want to know the conditions of the patient in room 204." (Kōetsuji)

The nurse easily gave out a lot of information about the boy. The entire hospital knew who he was and why he was there. The hospital was hoping to hire him given the nickname 'Medical Demon' at a young age. The staff was ordered to give him any information he wanted. But little do they know that he already has a clinic and was just coming here to reject the position in a friendly manner.

"Yes, his name is Yuuki Seth. His mom is Yuuki Sarah and dad is Yuuki Senji. Brought in because of excessive seizures. Only to be put in a medical coma for 3 days to find out what was wrong." (Nurse)

"What was the cause of the seizures?" (Kōetsuji)

"....The doctor doesn't know. No tumors, no ulcers he didn't have a stroke. We just don't know what caused them." (Nurse)

'Was the reason why he couldn't subconsciously control his Ki because he was put under a coma?'

"Hmm. what was he doing before the seizures?" (Kōetsuji)

"Well on here it says that he was practicing his handwriting on the second floor in his room."

Kōetsuji was very shocked to hear this but he didn't show it on his face.

"Handwriting but he's just a kid?" (Kōetsuji)

"He's some type of genius that's what his dad says anyway. You know how parents like to exaggerate about their kids. (Nurse)

"You know his dad?" (Kōetsuji)

"Yeah, he works on the 4th floor now." (Nurse)

"Can I speak to him?" (Kōetsuji)

"Let me call the 4th for the reception area to see what he's doing..... Hey is Yuuki Senji available... Yeah, Mr. Kōetsuji wants to talk to him... Okay, he's not doing anything important great." (Nurse)

"Tell them to tell him to meet me in the hospital cafeteria." (Kōetsuji)

"It's not open at this time." (Nurse)

"Main lobby then." (Kōetsuji)