I'm pretty sure she's coming here to visit him better tell him to be careful of his mother. He doesn't know the terror she holds.
*POV change to Seth*
After I had calm down master Akisame told me to get some more rest because I just came out of a medically induced coma. I tried to argue with him saying that I feel fine and I felt like I could take a hundred men only for him to laugh and say that I shouldn't rush it that your health is the main priority for a fighter. Didn't argue with him anymore just got back on the bed and try to sleep.
When master opened up the door to leave I thought I saw Shouko trying to peek in must have been my imagination.
'Well, whatever System you here?'
'Can I now use Stormbreaker? Now that I'm not a human. Sort of?'
[Indeed but I do not recommend to take it out at this moment]
'I wasn't going to can you explain why?'
[That weapon alone can draw out some dangerous deities.]
'Uhhhg how many people can kill me with my new bloodline?'
[Too many but too few]
'That doesn't help at all.'
'Anyway, do you have a name? Because I just do not want to call you System any longer?'
[I don't]
'Can I name you?'
[You can]
'Alright alright, what am I gonna name the system? It sounds completely robotic I guess you could say it kind of reminds me of Agent Coulson from Agents of Shield or Avengers. Phil would work better than just calling it Coulson all the time.'
'All right I've decided your name is going to be Phil.'
[Name Authorized]
[Hidden Mission Accomplished "Name System"]
[Reward 3x Lottery Tickets]
'Wait holy crap! Really? There are Hidden missions?!'
'Well who am I to argue? Use the lottery tickets!'
[Using Lottery Tickets]
[Acting Skill Acquired]
[Deduction Skill Acquired]
[Mithril Ore Acquired]
'Please don't let it be what I think it is. Explain the skill Deduction.'
[Deduction Skill- Congratulations you just became the universe's greatest detective your problem-solving skills and detective reasoning are unmatched rivaling Batman and Sherlock Holmes Skill-up in Mental Skills (High)]
'GOD DAMNIT!! Oops, leaked out a bit of Ki... All in all, it is a good skill I just don't want to end up like Conan.'
[Host doesn't need to fear that he will be like Conan yet you need to acquire the Shinigami Curse]
[Curses can be acquired through bloodlines but the Shinigami Curse can't be Acquired this way]
'That doesn't make it better! Is there a way to remove the curses though the lottery?'
[There's a pill in the system called Purify Bloodline Pill that will remove curses attached to bloodlines]
'What about curses not received through bloodlines outside of the Lottery?'
[There is a pill in the lottery that will remove any type of curse called the Remove Curse Pill but that pill is locked until you get a curse outside of the Lottery]
'Why can't it be one in the same pill?'
[Just how the Creator created it]
'That sadistic god!'
I'm pretty sure I know what the Acting Skill is. maybe I ca-.
The door quickly slammed open as if someone kicked the door open. I quickly got up from my bed with a terrified expression to see my mother standing at the doorway entrance.
"Where's my baby?!"- (Mom)
"Mom, you don't need to be so loud this is a hospital."- (Seth)
Mom didn't say anything as she walked towards my bed and started hugging me while crying.
"Thank god your alright."- (Mom)
".."- (Seth)
I remain silent until my mom calmed down.
"Are you ok?"- (Seth)
"Silly child I should ask you that."- (Mom) she said as she wiped tears from her eyes.
"I feel fine all. I did was sleep."- (Seth) I said with the goofy smile.
"Hee I wish that was all you did."- (Mom)
I hate how I made her feel my parents don't deserve to feel this way. I really should tell her about what Sensei Akisame said. But how should I phrase it I shouldn't tell her about Ki. She'll probably think he'll try to rip me off. I do want to train under him and the other Masters if they are there.
"...."- (Seth)
"Something wrong? You want me to get the doctor?"- (Mom)
"No, no it's not that."- (Seth)
"Then what is it?"- (Mom)
"....Doctor Kōetsuji said that I should become a Ryōzanpaku disciple."- (Seth)
"Ryōzanpaku? Why?"- (Mom)
"He said that place will help strengthen my body and to set out a foundation." (Seth)
"A foundation into what?!" (Mom)
"Martial-arts." (Seth)
"*clears throat* No." (Mom)
"Why? I wanna be a disciple." (Seth) Fake tears started coming out of my eyes. Why is this happening? Usually would be easier to control my emotions is it because of the Acting Skill?
"Does it mean that much to you? If you want to strengthen your body can't you just do it at home?" (Mom)
I quickly wipe away the tears in my eyes. "What would happen if that wouldn't be enough? Would I have another one? I would rather be around people that are experienced in body strengthening." (Seth)
"..... Alright, then how about a compromise then?" (Mom)
"Wha-" (Seth) She cut me off mid-sentence.
"I want you to publish some of your books." (Mom)
"....Fine but I won't be doing any book signings nor events until I turn 14." (Seth) I was planning on doing it anyway just not so soon it's not normal for a 3-year-old to be a successful author. I probably wouldn't even have picked up a pen yet if it wasn't for those missions.
"That's fine but I get to decide what and when you publish until you turn 15." (Mom)
"...F-Fine" (Seth) Why do I feel like I just got mugged?
"Does that mean I can be a disciple?" (Seth)
"Of course." (Mom)
"Cool, I can't wait to see the Dojo!" (Seth)