Visiting Ryōzanpaku #3

I was in the hospital for 3 days after I woke up they were running all sorts of tests on me and whatnot. Shouko left the hospital around the second day it turns out that she's two years older than me she's even a bit taller than me, I didn't notice at all when we were sitting down.

We talked about a lot of stuff like our favorite cartoons. I lied about liking cartoons I don't want to explain why I don't like them like how capitalism is being forced on the kids just to make the government earn a quick buck. She probably wouldn't even understand it at such a young age. So I just said some generic kids TV shows that my mother made me watch a while ago. My mother had to force me to watch the cartoons to make me enjoy my "childhood" probably to make me behave more normally.

It turns out that she had already started preschool about to head into first grade. Sadly she's getting bullied already but not to the point of Shoya. It's more of an isolation type of bullying where they don't talk to her or try to include her. My guess is that they're afraid of catching her deafness as if it's some type of disease but she does have a few friends a boy named Sakamoto and a girl named Asuna. It turns out that I and Asana have the same surname so Shouko asked me if we were related. I told her I didn't know because I haven't met any of my grandparents or cousins if I have any.

She looked a bit sad probably thinking about my situation and relating it to her own. In the movie she was very close to her grandmother before she died she's probably very close to her now. She apologized to me for asking and I said it was fine.

It seems like SAO will be a thing in this world unless it's a coincidence or there's another anime character named Asuna Yuuki. Not gonna lie I'm excited I'm gonna try and get a beta version of SAO. I pretty much hated everything about SAO I wanted to see more of that world, more monsters, more floor bosses. I felt like there was so much more potential to be had. Hell, even the romance was bad, it felt like someone trying to guess how romance is. But that's calling the kettle black for me I wrote some pretty bad stories out there before I "died". I don't fear SAO even if I die in the game it won't be strong enough to kill me at least that's what Phil said. Wait will the Nervgear even come out? It's not supposed to come out until 2022 in the story. AHH, this is so confusing!! I hate Multiverse Theory!!

Anywhoose my father did come talk to me a few times while I was in the hospital but the chats were brief because he still had work to do. He went back to his normal schedule after I woke up. He talked to me about joining Ryōzanpaku and how I would become an inner disciple. I would live in the dojo with the Masters per Akisame request and train daily. But he had to make a deal with my mom that I would still go to preschool and continue my education.

My mom was not happy that I would be an inner disciple she didn't want her "baby boy" to leave the nest. But she calmed down after Akisame told her she can visit whenever she wanted but she mustn't disturb my training. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of those two arguing. I wonder if master Akisame told them about the price of being one or if he is treating me as a special circumstance? If not I don't think they would agree to them training me.

When my mother came to visit we would talk about which books we should release. Although she did say she would decide what and when we would publish she still gave me the final say on what she would publish and to see if I wanted to make any altercations to the final draft. She won't use her name for my books and for some unknown godly reason she just used my name. She didn't make a pen name for me no no no but my literal name which I was not at all happy about. She used an excused to try to get my name out there. Saying she wouldn't want to take my achievements away from me. I had to suck it up at that point or it would make me look like a brat.

The books she wanted me to publish were 'Journey to the West', 'Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief' and 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' all hits from my formal world. She wouldn't take any of the light novels because her publication doesn't handle those she writes most of her books in English. I suggested that we should release 'Journey to the West' here and in America and that I would just make a Japanese version. It seems like she had the same idea and already had a rough draft she made herself but she told me I wouldn't be able to change any of it until I get out of the hospital.

*Now at home since the hospital*

"Alright, Seth get to bed." (Dad)

"But I'm not tired" (Seth)

"No buts we're visiting Ryōzanpaku tomorrow you don't want to be tired for that do you?" (Dad)

"Noo" (Seth)

"Then get to bed." (Dad)


I wonder how the other senseis of the dojo will react when they see me. I bet they'll look at master Akisame like he's crazy trying to recruit a 3-year-old.