Visiting Ryōzanpaku #4

We were on the way to Ryōzanpaku by the map Akisame gave my father we had to drive there because it was too far away. Surprisingly it wasn't a weird map like the one Miu gave to Kenichi when they first met.

We arrived at the familiar red gate in no time. It was closed so my dad put the car in park and got out of the car and tried to open the gate but failed miserably. So I decided to leave the car and help him open it. I thought master Akisame wanted me to open the gate to show how strong I really was to the other teachers. Unknowingly that someone else entirely was approaching from behind.

"What's wrong?" (Seth) As I approached him and the gate.

"I can't open it I can't even tell if it's locked." (Dad)

"Can I give it a try?" (Seth)

"*chuckles* Be my guest." (Dad)


I put both my hands on the gate doors like when Kid Goku did while pushing the big rock that Master Roshi said he had to move to learn fighting techniques. I slowly started raising my Ki as I was pushing the gate doors while grunting and gritting my teeth.

"Alright, you can stop now. It's probably locked." (Dad)

I ignored him still "trying" to open the gate. Man the acting skill does come in handy. As the gate was slowly opening which "I didn't notice" because I had my eyes closed trying to open it, when the gate doors spread apart I "accidentally" tripped and fell on my face trying to push the gate doors open. As I was about to hit the ground I quickly hide my Ki.


A bump appeared on my forehead. My dad couldn't say anything he was to slack jaw and his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. He was just too surprised.

"Nice" (???) A calming voice a few feet away from Dad

Being shocked for a second time today. There stood a fairly tall high school girl that seemingly came out of nowhere wearing a blue school uniform it looks exactly like the school blazer that Ran and Shinichi wears but she's not wearing a tie to tell which year she's in. She has light purple eyes, matching her purple hair carrying a wooden sword in her right hand and a schoolbag in the other. Mom had gotten out of the car but I hadn't said anything yet.

"Who are you?!" (Dad)


She easily ignored my father and walked over to me she put her wooden sword under her left armpit and picked me up from the ground. She easily balanced me on her right arm making sure I wouldn't fall I'm 3 it's quite easy to pick me up.

She then looked back at my father and said "Kōsaka Shigure". She then continued towards the dojo while carrying me in her arm.

"Wait!" (Mom)

She didn't and continue walking towards the dojo completely ignoring my parents and the two titan like humanoids duking it out from the far right side of the dojo. One of the titans was wearing a yellow muscle shirt red pants and a red bandana under his silver hair he occasionally said Apa~ when he made contact or got hit. The other titan had black hair and wasn't even wearing a shirt only blue jean pants and shoes. Both of the humanoid titans looked like their bodies were made from stone. It looks like it was getting serious the other titan wasn't even saying Apa~ anymore.

"*gasped*" (Mom)

"..." (Dad)

Both of my parents stopped and watched the fight for a second before Shigure said "Follow" knocking them out of there trance and started following her again. She went into the dojo and placed her wooden sword and schoolbag on the kitchen table then started carrying me with both arms heading towards the back door of the dojo.

"C-Can you put me down?" (Seth)

"No" (Shigure)

She proceeded to go out the back door of the dojo can you start walking to an alternative building next to the dojo it looks like a mini-clinic. The doctor that was in there was none other than Akisame Kōetsuji.

"Shigure what are you doing back so early? And why are you carrying Yuuki-Chan?"- Kōetsuji

"Suspended" She's then raised me as Ran did to Conan when she asked Shinichi's mom if Conan was her child but instead asked, "Can I keep him?"

My parents were flabbergasted once again but that didn't stop them from having their discussion.

"No, you can't he's a person, not a pet. How long is the suspension and what did you do this time?" (Kōetsuji)

" *clicks tongue* Beat a pervert, one week." (Shigure)

"Again you can't take justice in your own hands. As punishment, you aren't gonna take your wooden sword to school anymore." (Akisame)

"*clicks tongue*" (Shigure)

"C-Can you put down now?" (Seth)

"Do you hate how I carry you?" (Shigure)

"No, it's just that I don't like being picked up in general." (Seth) After she put me down a voice filled the entire room.

"Well maybe if you didn't tie up your breast all the time he wouldn't mind!!" (???)

A salty sounding Chinese middle-aged man was hanging upside down from the ceiling from a hole holding a camera. He has brown hair and a long pointed out Chinese mustache. Shigure quickly threw a few shurikens at him they were all precisely aimed some headed for his face, some headed for his camera, some oddly headed for his hair. He was able to avoid the ones aimed at his face and camera but he decided to sacrifice his camera so his hair can be left intact.


"*clicks tongue* Pervert" (Shigure)


"Both of you get out!! Don't you both see I'm trying to entertain guest?!" (Akisame)

"Oh, I'm well aware I was the one that had to close the gate after he opened it." (???)

"He was able to open the gate?" (Akisame)

"Yeah here's some pics." (???)

The old Chinese man pulled out some unsavory looking pictures of Seth trying to open the gate. He had many of them from when Seth started from when he fell on the ground he somehow got a picture of Shigure panties. Which she promptly ripped up into pieces.

"NOOOOO!!"- (???)

There's no way in hell my parents will allow me to stay and train now.