Visiting Ryōzanpaku #5

"Haha, it looks like it was hard for you huh Yuuki-Chan? Not even Miu can open the gate by herself." (Akisame)

"Who?" (Seth) Can't let them know I already know who they are they're getting suspicious and I don't want to explain it.

"She's the granddaughter of the Grand Master of the dojo. She's around the same age as you." (Akisame)

"Shouldn't I meet The Grandmaster if I'm going to be accepted as his disciple?" (Seth)

"Quite observant the boy is." (???)

"Thanks? Oh, my name is Yuuki Seth" (Seth) I reached out my hand to him.

"Oh, my mistake my name is Ma Kensei I'll be teaching you Chinese Kenpo." As he shakes my hand. Shigure walked up and told what she'll be teaching me.

"I'll be teaching you Kōsaka Style." (Shigure)

"Hahaha, he's not even a disciple yet." (Akisame)

"Will he will become a disciple right?" (Kensei) Shigure was looking at Akisame with lazy but puppy dog eyes.

"Uhg it's not my decision it's theirs." (Akisame) As he pointed at my parents.

"Wait wha-" (Mom)

"Hey master what will you be teaching me?" (Seth) Ignoring Both of my parents getting out of their shocked state and decided to gather more "info".

"I teach you all forms of jujutsu. But again it's your parent's decision." (Akisame) I think he's starting to get a headache.

"But I should already be one?" (Seth)

"What do you mean?" (Kensei)

"Well, my mom made me promise that if I wanted to train at Ryōzanpaku I would have to publish my books." (Seth) Not just Kensei but Akisame had an evil look in their eyes.

"WOOOWAAA" (Kensei)

Kensei then got down from the hole in the roof and did a little dance while taking out a scroll that was in his green clothes while opening it up.

"Then let's talk business follow me back to the dojo." (Kensei) He made his way out of the Clinic building and start heading towards the main dojo building while Akisame, Shigure and I followed.

"Wait what business?!" (Dad)

"Seth wait!!" (Mom)

I turn my head to them and told them. "Hurry up Mom, Dad or will be left behind!" with the happiest smile I could muster while my eyes were closed.

"I-Is he playing us?" (Dad)

".....He is my child." (Mom)

"But I don't want him to train here not while that pervert and bro-con here!!" (Dad)

"Pfft" (Akisame)

"What's so funny?" (Seth)

"..." (Shigure)

"I'M A CONNOISSEUR! Besides I have a wife and daughter in China I'm going back in a few days." (Kensei)

"Wait what? Then how will you teach me Chinese Kenpo?" (Seth)

"Oh you won't have to worry about that, I come here each month for about 2 weeks this place is more of a vacation spot for me." (Kensei) 'Besides this place is so fun and it just got a lot more interesting. I'll make plans to say permanently after my daughter is old enough and won't need me as much.'

My parents completely ignored us talking I'm not even sure they heard what master Kensei even said. But how he phrased that sounded a bit weird though it sounded like he won't teach me even if I become a disciple.

"If I'd known they would be like this I wouldn't have made the deal." (Mom)

"Can't you just cancel the deal?" (Dad)

"I can't my publication instantly fell in love with the stories and gave him the best deal they could make." (Mom)

"Then we're screwed basically?" (Dad)

"..Yep" (Mom)

We headed for the kitchen after we entered the main dojo. Kensei was the first to sit down and wait for everyone else to sit. I sat next to my mom and Dad on the right side of the table while the Masters sat on the left.

"Your son needs some intuition." (Kensei)

"What do you mean?" (Dad)

"Like any other dojo you have to pay for admission for normal disciples it's 10,000 yen per month but Akisame and I want him to be an inner disciple." (Kensei)

"So? What's the price for an inner disciple?" (Dad) Dad sounds a bit aggressive I bet he doesn't wanna spend a lot.

"Usually it would be 75,000 yen for 6 months but because of his special circumstances it'll waver for 35,000." (Kensei)

Dad sort of relaxed a bit and smiled. "That's a better deal than I thought." he thought 'even the regular price seems like a steal'. Mom also seemed satisfied with the price.

Kensei then smiled "I'm glad you think so but the price will go back to 75,000 once he turns 6."

"I won't complain but can I know the reason?" (Mom)

"Of course there are a few reasons for this. First, we won't be able to teach him any of our techniques because of his young age we don't usually ever accept disciples this young (or ever). Second, usually, a person needs to be already a regular disciple before they are eligible to be an inner disciple. 'Why?' you may ask because we have to teach them the basics. The third is because of Akisame request." (Kensei)

I knew it! They had no intention of teaching me techniques until my body is ready for them!

"Then what will you be teaching him?" (Dad)

"We will guide him to increase his strength, speed, and stamina. Also, we'll keep a stern eye on his flexibility. But not just that many everyday skills like cooking, laundry, cleaning, and many others. " (Kensei)

"You just wanna make him your butler!!" (Dad)

"Nope, it'll teach him Strength Control so he won't accidentally break glasses in his hands or rip his clothes trying to put them on. Many disciples from other dojos are like that" (Kensei)

"Why did you have to say it like that?!" (Dad)

"I thought your reaction would be funnier. Nonetheless, I say Strength Control but it's more Full Body Control. With Full Body Control, it'll be easier for him to learn our techniques when he's older." (Kensei)

"Okay but I'm confused about something will you not teach him the techniques because you think he'll use them for dumb reasons or his body won't be able to take the strain of them?" (Mom)

"It's a little bit of both but more for the training of them." (Akisame)

"*cough* Basic strength training and techniques strength training are two completely different types of training. Let's just say he won't be taking any technique lessons from the two men you saw fighting until he turns 9 possibly 10 depending on how his training is going." (Kensei)

"Is it that demanding?" (Mom)

"In some cases, he could die but you won't have to worry about that because I'm here and he's starting so early in life." (Akisame)

Senji then looked at his wife and said: "Call me crazy but I think we can trust them." But she didn't even acknowledge him as she was writing out a check worth of 75,000 yen.

"I can come to visit him anytime I want?" (Mom)

"Of course." (Akisame)

"Then who do I make this check out to?" (Mom)

"Hayato Fūrinji the dojos in his name but sign the contract first." (Kensei) He had given her the scroll with a pen which she did sign.

"Wait you're agreeing so soon?!" (Dad)

"Why not? This is the dojo Seth chose." (Mom)

"But he's just a kid!" (Dad)

"The smartest one you know." (Mom)

"I-I can't refute that." (Dad) he muttered, "I can't ever win."

"I can give you the advance payment for the year right?" (Mom)

"Of course." (Kensei) She then gave the check to him.

"You know our son isn't the only one that's brash." (Dad)

"Shut it." (Mom)

[Hidden Mission Achieved Join Ryōzanpaku]

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[Quest Issued "Break The Limits"]

[Train at the Dojo Ryōzanpaku until the age of 14. During your training sessions and after your muscles are healed naturally your Magical Body trait from the Majin Race will be sealed to naturally grow your muscles.]

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