Party #5

That sly bastard Akisame he must have put that idea into Shigure's head. I'm gonna get him back for this. I have the perfect plan best of it all is he'll lose sleep if I'm lucky. But why would she react like that? I can get the whole worrying about drowning thing but she shouldn't have tried to rush me to take a bath.

As I entered my room I turned off my ceiling light then closed the door. As I lay in bed I decide to get up at 4 a.m. just to wake up master Akisame and ask him how he likes his pancakes. I got the idea from an old TV show from my old world. I'll wake up the other Masters too except Sakaki he might hate me if I do wake him up. It would make sense why I would be up they know I slept most of the day.

I got out of bed and started making my way to Master Akisame's room. Although the other Master's rooms are closer except Shigure's I wanna bother him first. When I got to his room the light was already on.

"Master Akisame how do you like your pancakes?" I said as I entered the room.

"Oh, Seth?" He said as he was trying to hide something behind his back. "What are you doing up?"

"I woke up feeling hungry so I'm gonna make us pancakes!" I said with a bit of excitement.

"But we don't have any fixings for pancakes." (Akisame)

"Why?!" (Seth)

"We don't usually cook at all." (Akisame)

"Why?" (Seth) Plan B annoying kid time I didn't just think of it.

"No one wants to put the time or effort to learn. Instead of Shigure unfortunately." (Akisame)

"Why?" (Seth)

" I feel like you're doing this on purpose." (Akisame)

"Doing what on purpose?" (Seth)

"...Nothing." (Akisame)

"So um what are you doing?" (Seth)

"Nothing." (Akisame)

"Then why are you up?" (Seth)

"Why are you up?" (Akisame)

So am I successfully annoying him I can't tell at this point.

"I already told you pancakes." (Seth)

"Uuhh nevermind just go back to bed. Your birthday breakfast will be ready when you get up.'' (Akisame) He looks like a defeated man maybe one more push.

"What will I be eating? Is it pancakes?" (Seth) I said as my eyes light up.

"Yes now go to bed!" (Akisame) He said as he was pushing me out of his room. He's trying to hide what he was doing I think. It has something to do with my birthday no doubt.

"Wait, what type of pancakes? Blueberry? Banana?" (Seth)

"Yes!" (Akisame) He said as he slammed the door.

"That didn't answer any of my questions." (Seth) I mumbled as I walked away from his room.

"Shut up!" (???)

I quickly made my way to my room I don't wanna find out who screamed I just know it wasn't Akisame. Hahaha, their gonna make my training a living hell. He didn't tell me exactly when to wake up I'll just get at 9.


Luckily no one tried to wake Seth up. When Seth got up he left for the kitchen to find only ten boxes of donuts. They were filled to the brim with not just donuts other types of pastries too. None of the Masters were in the kitchen.

"Where is everyone?" (Seth)

Hoping that Shigure would pop out but she didn't. After he got a chocolate glazed donut he went into the living to find Master Akisame sitting on the couch reading a newspaper.

"Good morning." (Seth) He said as he sat down on the couch next to him.

"Morning Seth Happy birthday." (Akisame)

"Thank you, Master. Where is everyone?" (Seth)

"Sakaki's sleeping off a hangover while the others are out doing their own thing." (Akisame)

"Then why do we have so many donuts?" (Seth)

"Not all of us like sweets." (Akisame)

"That's not what I meant. Why do we have so many boxes?" (Seth)

"Because the one that does like sweets eats too many sweets." (Akisame)

"Master Shigure?" (Seth)

"No, it's Apachai. However, the master of the dojo is worse than he is." (Akisame)

"Why do they like them so much?" (Seth)

"For the calorie intake... They say." (Akisame)

"Oh, so what are my parents planning for my birthday?" (Seth)

"Were gonna meet them for dinner at some pizzeria then come back here for cake and ice cream." (Akisame)

"Why so late?" (Seth)

"So your friends can show up, they have school today you know." (Akisame)

"But I don't have any friends?" (Seth)

"Well, apparently you do." (Akisame)

"Well anyways I've never been to a pizzeria before usually we only get pizza delivered." (Seth)

"Either way it'll be a nice treat and change of scenery." (Akisame)

"What's it called?" (Seth)

"The pizzeria?" (Akisame)

"Yeah." (Seth)

"Oh, I'm not going to tell you. You might try to look it up." (Akisame)

"I haven't seen a computer here let alone a phone. How am I supposed to look it up?" (Seth)

"You have a point but I think you can easily get one if you ask the right person." (Akisame)

He must be talking about Kensei, Shigure isn't the type to carry a phone.

"Oh, what am I supposed to do before dinner?" (Seth)

"What about you eat a donut?" (Akisame)

I mumbled as I started to eat my donut. I don't know the next time I'm gonna get time off living here now I should work on my novels and books while I can. I'll start writing "The Titan's Curse" next even though I don't want to I've started something and I have to finish it. After I finished my donuts I left the living room telling Master Akisame I'll be in my room until we're ready to leave. He told me to make sure I take a bath before we leave the dojo before I left the leaving room.

When I got to my room after my bath I decided to write the book. I wrote four chapters before Master Akisame came into my room telling me it's time to go with a bit of interesting news.

"We're gonna get there by subway." (Akisame)

"What? Why?" (Seth)

"Will we don't have a car." (Akisame) This place has nearly 6 buildings and they don't have a car?!

"But....I've never been on one." (Seth) I said while looking timid.

"..... It'll be fine I'll be there with you." (Akisame)

"Okay... I don't like crowds." (Seth)

"Alright let's get a move on." 'I seriously need to remember he's just a kid no matter how much of a smart-ass he usually is. '- Akisame

We got to the subway station alright with no real issues and was waiting for the train. There were a lot of people waiting for the train so I grabbed onto Akisame hakama. When the train arrived many people left it as many were trying to get in I instinctively grabbed onto Master Akisame as I was being pushed and shoved by other people's legs. Akisame surprise me by picking me up and carrying me into the train. We barely managed to fit into the train we were completely and utterly crammed in there like a pack of sardines. Master Akisame didn't seem to mind though he seems to have perfect control over his body he doesn't even need to grab the rail to keep his balance and focuses on carrying me. We stayed like that until we got off at the station we needed to get off at and where there were fewer people.

"....Thanks." (Seth)

"Ahaha no problem, come on the pizzeria is just around the corner." (Akisame)

Akisame then started leading me to the pizzeria. It was only a five-minute walk from where we were. When I saw the pizzeria building I instantly went pale. On the building there was a billboard of 3 instantly recognizable animatronic looking figures one was a black bear holding a microphone the other one was a blue bunny wearing a guitar and the last one was a chicken wearing a bib while holding a cupcake that had eyes in its hand. It was Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria from Five Nights at Freddy's.