Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

Master Akisame immediately took notice of my irregular attitude.

"Something wrong?" (Akisame)

"Don't tell me that's the pizzeria?" (Seth)

"It is what's wrong?" (Akisame)

"Can we not and just immediately take everyone back to the dojo?" (Seth)

"Why it's fairly new? Your parents thought you would enjoy this." (Akisame)

"If they thought that they obviously don't know me." (Seth)

"Oh come on it has the latest technology for kid entertainment." (Akisame)

"That has nothing to do why I don't want to go in there!" (Seth)

"Then why don't you wanna go? All your friends and family are waiting for you in their." (Akisame)

"*Inhale* *Exhale* Nevermind let's just go. And I don't have any friends!" (Seth)

I then went on my way to get inside the building while Master did follow but he did have a confused look on his face.

'He sounded as if he knew about the pizzeria already if so how did he already hear about it? It literally just opened not too long ago and I haven't seen any of the commercials about it either. Although I don't usually watch TV but I was told he doesn't either. If so does he think the animatronics are creepy? He's not wrong tho but he shouldn't be that afraid of them if he's going into the building without much of a fuss.' (Akisame)

The first thing I immediately notice after entering the building was a chubby kid next to a balloon stand giving out a balloon to a kid. It was balloon boy I don't recognize the boy there were a lot of cars out in the parking lot so there's a lot of people here.

"Hello~ Hi~ Hahaha~" (BB) (BB=BalloonBoy)

Luckily his attention wasn't on me but the boy he was giving the balloon to. I honestly believe I don't need to worry about the animatronics all I really need to worry about is Golden Freddy aka supposedly Purple Guy. I'll try to blast his ass with a Ki blast if he touch any of my supposed "friends". Try being the optimal word because I've never actually tried to blast one.

"Do you want a balloon?" (Akisame) Master Akisame walked up behind me probably thinking I wanted one because I was staring at Balloon Boy.

"Nah, I'll just lose it when I start eating and playing games." (Seth)

"I can see that happening." (Akisame)

"Anyway do you know where my family is?" (Seth)

"They're in the party room just down the hall." (Akisame)

As we walked through the hallway there were two rooms one room said "Employees Only" while the other one was chained off area with a sign that said "Closed For Repairs" it looks to be the Pirates Cove. I thought that place wasn't supposed to be closed off until much later though. If I remember correctly kids came up to the stage too many times and completely destroyed Foxy which in turn made Mangle. Did that happen at the first pizzeria instead of the second one and just refuse to open it back up?

"This place just already open up and it's already having troubles." (Seth)

"Eh what can you do?" (Akisame)

The looks of the hallway looks completely new. The purple carpet looks as if they just put it in. While the walls have both paint and wallpaper on the top half of the wall is wallpaper of the animatronics while the bottom half of the wall is painted blue. Not a bad color palette. When me and Master Akisame arrived at the party/dining room my parents, all the Masters of Ryōzanpaku, Ageha a old woman that looks like Shouko's grandmother from the anime and four kids around my age sitting at the same table I only knew two of them personally. I think I have an idea who the other two are.

Freddy and Bonnie are on the stage while Chicas out roaming around the dinner/party room. They are the versions of the second game Fred did say that they do roam around with the kids when he was on the phone. Still doesn't make any less creepy.

Ageha was eyeing Sakaki like he was a piece of meat. Kurumu didn't look happy I wonder if she thought the animatronics were creepy too or if its because of her mother. Shouko tho looked ecstatic to be here including the two friends she brought. I'm pretty sure the two friends she bought are Sakamoto and Asuna. But Sakamoto isn't wearing his glasses that I usually saw him wear in the anime so it might not be him. Shigure was in her high school uniform/blazer she probably came directly from school. My parents were sitting next to each other to discussion something. Kensei had a perverted smile on his face probably trying to take pictures of Ageha. Apachai was looking looking at the stage with a big smile I'm guessing he's easily entertained. The entire group took around three tables. I think this is the first kid birthday party that has more adults then kids.

I first greeted my parents then the Masters, Ageha, Shouko's grandmother then my "friends".

"Hey momma." (Seth) As I proceed to give her a hug.

"Hey hun happy birthday." (Mom) She greeted as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks momma." (Seth) I proceeded to do the same for my dad.

Our conversation was exactly the same as my mom's but I called him dad. I greeted most of the Masters by their names and thank them for coming. All the responses were mostly the same although Shigure tried to pick me up but Akisame stopped her by telling her "not to embarrass him in front of his friends". When I went to greet Ageha she didn't pay me any mind and kept focusing on Sakaki. Kensei did the same thing to her so I'm not that surprised. I then approached Shouko's grandmother to introduce myself.

"Hi names Seth nice to meet you?" (Seth)

"Nice to meet you I'm Nishimiya Ito, Shouko's grandma." (Ito)

I wonder why her mother didn't show up? Is it because she's pregnant with Yuzuru? I never saw her at the hospital so I don't really know if she is pregnant. As I shake her hand Shouko got out of her seat and came up behind me showing me what she wrote on her whiteboard.

{Come on I wanna introduce you to my friends.}

"Haha why don't you go on ahead dear." (Ito)

I nod my head "Okay later Obasan."

Shouko then lead me to her friends. Sao will definitely be a thing now I'm staring at a chibi version of Asuna. Her hair isn't long like how she looks like as a teenager but it's the same goldish blond color. The black-haird kid that I'm guessing is Sakamoto doesn't quite look like him yet Sakamoto has sharp features his aren't that sharp...Yet? They're sitting next to each other while Kurumu sittin next to two empty seats in front of Asuna I guess she was sitting next to Shouko before she came up to get me. she looks a bit unnerved not really paying attention I wonder if she she thinks the animatronics are creepy as well. Asuna, Shouko and Sakamoto don't seem all that disturbed by them. To each their own.