Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria #2

When we got to the empty seat next to Kurumu, Shouko presented her hand trying to tell me to sit.

"But isn't this where you were sitting? Even your marker is on the table." (Seth)

She then grabbed the marker on the table and started writing something.

*Scribble* *Scribble* *Scribble* *Scribble* {She's your best friend you can sit next to her I'll sit next to my friends.}

'What did she tell them?!' "What are you talking about? I just met her two days ago." (Seth)

*Erase* *Erase* *Erase* *Scrabble* {What?}

"I met her two days ago at a McDonald's." (Seth)

Kurumu had yet to notice us because she was still observing Chica. She hasn't noticed us yet I think its because of the noise if she did I'm positive she would have tried to deny either meeting that way or saying that she never said we were best friends. She started turning pale I wonder if she got sick? While Sakamoto and Asuna looks lost. She waited for a moment then shook her head.

*Erase* *Scribble* *Scribble* Scribble* *Scribble* *Scribble* {It's fine you'll have an easier time talking to my friends if you sit here}

"Ok?" (Seth)

After she read my lips she went to the other side of the table and sat next to Asuna as I sat in the empty seat next to Kurumu. She had yet to notice me, she's now staring at the stage observing the other animatronics. I'll leave her alone for now bother her later. I've been looked and saw both Asuna and Sakamoto staring at me. I guess I should introduce myself.

"Eh hello, my name is Yuuki Seth. But please just call me Seth." (Seth)

"Sakamoto." (Sakamoto)

"Yuuki Asuna. Um isn't that a bit too informal?" (Asuna)

Oh, I forgot Asunas from a rich family she's probably been taught to have manners since she could talk.

"It's fine I don't like the titles of 'Chan' or 'Kun' anyway." (Seth)

"But it's still informal." (Asuna)

"You can call me with the titles or last name if you want. I just prefer it if people call me Seth." (Seth)

"Thank you Yuuki-Kun." (Asuna)

"So I'm Sakamoto do you have a surname?" (Seth)

"I do its Nami I just prefer if people call me by my first name too." (Sakamoto)

"Oh then does Asuna call you by your first name?" (Seth)

"She does now but she didn't when we first meet. She only started calling me by my first name last month." (Sakamoto)

"How long have you known her?" (Seth)

"For about three months. But she still calls me with a title." (Sakamoto)

"Oh, I see." (Seth)

Oh, that's neat so I can't exactly remember what his surname was in the manga or if he even had one. Kurumu had yet acknowledged my presence I expected at least a happy birthday or a hi. Seriously why is she so focused on the animatronics? I tapped her shoulder twice as she turned her head I poked her cheek much like what Saitama did to Genos when they were sparring.

"Y-Yuuki?" (Kurumu)

"Yeah what's up you don't look so good?" (Seth)

"I don't want to be here." (Kurumu)

" I understand I don't want to be here either." (Seth) Kurumu cheered up a little after I said that.

"What?! Why? This place is awesome it has the latest tech for animatronics and the arcade is gigantic!" (Asuna)

"Hey I like video games as much as the next guy but the animatronics just looks creepy to me." (Seth)

"How can they look creepy with those bright colors?" (Asuna)

"I gotta agree with Seth on that one." (Sakamoto)

"You too Sakamoto-Kun? I don't see it." (Asuna)

"They're just a little unnerving." (Sakamoto)

"I think they're cool." (Asuna)

"Don't get me wrong in a way they are whoever made them is a genius." (Seth)

"Okay, then why are we here if you find this place creepy?" (Sakamoto)

"It's probably because my parents trying to get me out of the house and try something new." (Seth) 'I don't want to tell them about me going into "treatment" after my birthday they'll start pitying me.'

"Well it is new it did open up not too long ago." (Asuna)

Shouko then started writing something on her whiteboard. When she finished she put the board in the middle of the table so all three of us could read it.

{How are you by the way?}

The mood of the area quickly shifted after we all read the board. I knew Shouko would have to tell them how we met after she invited them to the party. It's a sensitive topic that's why these two never asked about it. I guess she's just worried about me.

"I'll be going into treatment after my birthday." (Seth)

I said with a clear smile on my face but that didn't help the mood at all. Shouko, Asuna, and Sakamoto all have that looks on their faces. This is why I didn't want to talk about it. Shouko and Asuna look as if they're gonna cry.

"No, No, No, No you don't need to be that sad about it think of it as a camp that I'm gonna be going to all year while going to school." (Seth)

That perked everyone up Kurumu didn't change her expression because she already knew.

"Okay good don't push yourself too hard ok!" (Asuna)

"Agreed I don't want you to end up back in the hospital." (Sakamoto)

"Hey, that's my line!" (Kurumu)

"Then why did I say it?" (Sakamoto) Kurumu then glared at Sakamoto.

"Haha, Alright how about we go to the arcade area? I don't want to stay near the animatronics any longer." (Seth)

"Great idea let's go!" (Asuna)

As we got out of our seats I told them I was gonna tell my parents to see if I could get some money for the games and told them I would catch up. When I started walking towards them Kurumu was sticking behind me pretty close instead of following the others to the arcade. Aren't more numbers better in this type of situation? Chica had already finished her cycle around the dining area but I didn't notice though as I was too engaged in our conversation. She was on the stage but Bonnie wasn't nor was he in the dining area he has to be in the arcade. I knew they could free roam but this is a little much.

"Momma, can I have money for the games?" (Seth)

"Oh Hun you don't need money, we got the birthday pass it will give you an hour of free gaming tho you won't be able to get any tickets." (Mom)

"Oh, that's cool where's the pass?" (Seth)

"It's at the reward booth in the arcade area. Just say your name full name and that you're here for the birthday pass and they'll give it to you." (Mom)

"Wait what about the rest of us?" (Kurumu)

Dad cut in "We could only get two passes. You guys are just going to have to make do with that."

"That's fair let's go." (Seth)

I then quickly started heading to the arcade area making Kurumu have to follow me if she wanted to keep up. What I didn't know at that time was that someone started following us and a certain stupid bear tracking us as we left the dining area.