Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria #4

Today's been a really fun day I even forgot that I was an adult trapped in a child's body. Am I going through age regression or that I love games too much? Even let out Ki by mistake but none of Masters came to check up on me. Don't think bad of them it just wasn't a lot I bet if I truly released most of my Ki they'd come running. Kurumu didn't notice at all I guess she hasn't developed any of her powers yet.

We played many games we learned the hard way that we couldn't play the claw games with unlimited time cards. that's fine though I never really wanted anything from the claw games they only had Freddy Fazbear brand items like masks, dolls, and action figures. There weren't many games that we could play we were just too short. We had a fighting tournament on a fighting game Asuna beat all of us. I was never that good at fighting games even before this life I could only beat Kurumu at that games before Sakamoto swamped me. We had another tournament on the dinosaur shooting game to see how far we could go again you can only fall 3 times before you had to switch with someone else. I surprisingly won I wasn't good at that type of game either the sensory must be a lot better in this world.

But what took the most time and ultimately destroyed our passes was our dance tournament. It wasn't a real liked game so we could play it as much as we wanted. Shouko didn't feel like playing so she just watched. We had a troubled time deciding teams so I just went with boys versus girls and teamed up with Sakamoto. Me and Sakamoto somehow one with just under a few hundred more points. That didn't sit well with Asuna politely requested me to have a match with her but this time it was 1vs1. I accepted the challenge and beat her a few thousand points this time she lost most of her energy nearing half the song.

She's a kid she got tired I don't blame her. I was having a hard time too sweating even trying to keep my Ki under control while dancing. Kurumu when is the rematch too but luckily the timecards reach an hour each so we had no choice but to stop. I was going to decline either way and say I was too tired it's not technically a lie I am drenched in sweat.

A small crowd of kids gathered around as we were dancing. I did notice them as I was dancing but I just didn't care I don't recognize any of their faces only Shouko's, Kurumu, and Sakamoto who were in front of the crowd. I look down the roll for the dancing game we were playing more kids were playing it did I just start a trend?

I wished they didn't gather it caught one of the attention of the animatronics. It was Freddy this time he was heading towards us. As I thought Kurumu did freeze when she noticed what was coming near her. Kids gathered around him as he approached us.

"H-H-Help-Hey there B-B-B-Please-Buddy Bears I-I-I-No-Its time for your partyyy." (Freddy)

I looked at Sakamoto and ask him a question.

"I didn't hear him correctly because I'm next to the game what did he say?" (Seth)

"He's here to pick you up for your party. Freddy himself comes to get you if you're in the gaming arcade." (Asuna) Asuna cut instead.

"Uh, how does he know I'm the birthday boy?" (Seth)

"They have to program it into his system a day beforehand." (Asuna)

"I seriously don't like that." (Seth)

"C-C-C-Run-Come follow me." (Freddy)

Is no one going to address his voice chip malfunctioning? Do they not hear it? Could this be that hypnotism thing that MatPat said on his channel? Then why isn't it working on me is it because I know what they are?

"Come on it's cool you don't wanna miss it!" (Asuna)

She said as she grabbed my wrist trying to pull me to which direction she was going. Most of the group dispersed after they figured out Freddy wasn't going to give them anything except for my group. Kurumu was completely frozen.

"Hang on Kurumu are you alright?" (Seth)

She didn't answer me I hopped off the dancing games staged and looked into her eyes they were completely blank. it has to be hypnotism on the highest level.

"Come on she'll be fine she's just a little scared when she comes to she'll meet us in the family area." (Asuna)

"Agreed she'll catch up to us when she calms down." (Sakamoto)

Shouko was nodding her head agreeing with those two statements.

I don't like this they don't seem like the type of kids to abandon their friend while during a panic attack. Especially not Shouko this has to be hypnotism.

"Well, I'm not leaving her like this." (Seth) I said as I threw her over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes. She still had a blank look in her eyes but I didn't notice. I increased his Ki subconsciously so I can easily carry her.

"Come on man you don't seem to go that far." (Sakamoto)

"H-H-H-Run-Hey buddy Yr-Yr-Yr-Human-Your not following the ruulles." (Freddy) He said as I heard him approaching me. If I get her away from him would the hypnotism end?



Seth started running through the maze-like arcade. It's a good thing Seth had a photographic memory now thanks to Phil. When he wasn't playing games he would make a mental note on where he was and what led him there. It helped him arrive at the entrance of the arcade area. What he didn't expect though there were two employees with Chica masks on they were older men waiting at the entrance. They both had dark brown hair when was a lot fatter than the other. They didn't have a good smile on their faces. His Ki started rising a bit more as he was about to attack.

"Hey boy, she looks hurt how about you leave her with us? We'll get her to a doctor." (CM1= Chica Mask #1 he's the fatter one)

"Nah she doesn't seem physically hurt so I'm just going to take her home." (Seth)

"Ah but it's safer to make sure right? You wouldn't want her to die would you?" (CM2)

"I'll take my chances." (Seth)

"What a heartless friend you are. But are you sure you want to go and ruin your party you might not even get to see your surprise." (CM2)

"I don't care about the stupid surprise. 'Crap they're stalling for time probably to wait until Freddy gets closer.' (Seth)

"Oh, that's too bad if you would have had a fun time." (CM1)

"Leave the kid alone."