Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria #5

"Master Kensei?" (Seth)

Master Kensei appeared from within the arcade-like maze as he approached us.

"Yes hello, Seth I'm gonna want an explanation on what's going on." (Kensei)

"Who are you?!" (CM1)

"Me I'm acting as the kid's guardian." (Kensei)

"What?" (CM1)

"Seth take the girl back to the table." (Kensei)

"What a minute-" (CM1)

"Stop we've voiced our concern that's all we can do." (CM2)

"What but-?" (CM1)

"Enough don't forget I'm in charge so you'll listen to my orders." (CM2)

"*Clicks Tongue* Fine." (CM1)

CM1 left and started heading to the dining area.

"Sorry for the intrusion I hope you can understand the concern we have for children. I hope you enjoy your time here at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria." (CM2)

He then did a small bow then left heading towards the dining room.

"Well, that was ominous." (Kensei)

"Yeah Master, can you get the others?" (Seth)

"I can but why?" (Kensei)

"I believe they might be in danger. If they're still near one of the animatronics get them away from it." (Seth)

"Why?" (Kensei)

"They started acting weird when it came around." (Seth)

"It seems like to me you're the one that's acting weird." (Kensei)

"Please Master Kensei." (Seth)

"....Fine but I'm only doing this because you think they may be in danger." (Kensei)

Kensei quickly left heading back into the maze-like arcade as I speed-walked to the dining area while carrying Kurumu. I had no reason to run Freddy hasn't caught up with me yet nor was there any more employees. When I entered the dining room corridor someone picked us up. I almost dropped Kurumu when she did. She separated us as she was carrying me and her right arm and in her left. And saw the look in her eyes it was blank but her face was a little flushed.

"Calm down." (Shigure)

"Master Shigure?" (Seth)

"What's wrong?" (Shigure)

Everyone in the dining area was looking at us except the kids. All the kids were looking up at the stage because there was a new animatronic it was it's not from the game! It's some type of giant owl! It doesn't have any clothes on it just looks like an actual owl. If I had to compare to anything it looks like a Noctowl from pokemon but smaller. It's just flying around and sometimes lands on the heads of the animatronics and talks to them. I just know one of those fu***** is gonna follow us home. Of course, Freddy had yet to return to the stage.

"She became this way when an animatronic got near her. They just wanted to leave her." (Seth) My voice started to crack as some tears started following. While acting I acting I decide to fluctuate my Ki first going high then going low while alternating between the two.

"..." (Shigure)

"It felt like someone else's thoughts were in my head telling me to take her and run." (Seth)

"Why did you listen to them?" (Shigure)

"I felt like I'll never see her again if I didn't." (Seth) Snot started dripping as I still acted while still fluctuating my Ki.

"Ok, Ok its fine I got you." (Shigure)

She said as she started carrying us to the table. She went to the backside of the room so we wouldn't get near the stage with the other animatronics were. Most of the parents went back to talking among themselves while our group kept focusing on us. The Masters, Shouko's grandmother, Ageha, and my parents everyone there was just focusing on me and Kurumu. When Akisame and Ageha got up from the table to meet us halfway there. Apachai wasn't at the table he probably went to the bathroom.

"What happened to her?!" (Ageha)

Akisame checked her pulse to see if she was having a panic attack she wasn't.

"It isn't a panic attack. Is she prone to have panic attacks?" (Akisame) He turned in asked Ageha.

"No! Kid how does this happen?!" (Ageha)

"It was one of the animatronics!... Everyone got weird when he got there." (Seth)

"Everyone?" (Akisame)

"They wanted to leave her when they knew something was wrong with her." (Seth) I had my Ki fluctuate again as more tears came out.

"...I'm sorry can I hold my daughter now?" (Ageha)

Shigure obliged and gave her back her daughter. When she saw the look in her daughter's eyes she knew immediately what was wrong with her. She knew because she's seen it in a hundred men a blank look. Usually, a succubus would be immuned to mental attacks but that's only when they fully awakened as a succubus. Kurumu is far too young to have awakened to her true powers yet. She could easily break her out of the hypnotism but she decided to wait until there were fewer people because it would look somewhat weird.

"*Exhale* She's fine, she'll wake up later." (Ageha)

"Then this has happened before?" (Akisame)

"No, but I have a pretty good idea of what wrong with her. Boy, she said that she was near an animatronic when this happened correct?" (Ageha)

"Y-Yeah." (Seth)

"Wait, what does this have to do with anything about the animatronics? Do you think they did this to her?" (Akisame)

I nodded my head.

"All right, Yep this is perfect this is grreaat. (said in a sarcastic/annoyed tone) I'm going to grab the kids and the other Masters." (Akisame)

"Wait let me go with you." (Seth)

"No." (Shigure) She then started holding me with both arms.

"Agreed if it is as you say then it's dangerous." (Akisame)

"But I-" (Seth) I was cut off by Ageha.

"Let the boy help he seems to have a lot more secrets than you might think." (Ageha) He then glared at Ageha and whispered in her ear.

"Don't you think he might not have any control over his secrets it might accidentally hurt himself or others." (Akisame) She whispered back in his ear.

"If he can figure out someone's trying to hypnotize him he can't be that useless on a battlefield." (Ageha)

"Tch Shigure let him go he's coming with me." (Akisame)

"Why?!" (Shigure) Her grip got tighter.

He then walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Can you please trust me on this, I won't let him get hurt." (Akisame)

".....Fine." (Shigure) She said after she put me down. My Ki started stabilizing from what they could sense. but it was still higher than normal somewhere around a 13 to 14-year-old would have not a 3-year-old.

"Come on we got to go find them and get out of here." (Akisame)

I nodded my head and said "Right".

Right, when we were about to head to the corridor to the arcade we saw Freddy exit though it and immediately started heading to the stage. We then began on our way to the corridor that led to the arcade.

The hallway felt pretty short leading to the arcade.

"Follow me." (Akisame)

"Yeah." (Seth)

I couldn't sense energy so I had to take his word on it. As we made our way through the arcade we were heading into a very familiar direction. We were heading towards the ticket booth! When we arrive there we saw both Master Kensei and Master Apachai with Asuna, Sakamoto, and Shouko with them. Master Apachai was carrying a buttload of tickets about to choose a prize. What the hell are they doing?