What do we do? (2)

1 January, Rong Family Villa, City K

Pausing before continuing Chester added quietly, "Phillip. let me handle matters. You need to head into the shower to get down to deal with your parents quickly. While you are showering, I will sort out your medication as it is time for you to take it. I will let the staff know what they can and cannot say, and have them make your parents comfortable until you get down there. Matthew needs to be told that they are back in town. You know as well as I do, as I am here they will desire using Matthew's villa, so he needs to know to stop them."

Phillip looked at Chester and nodded before getting out of bed heading towards his en-suite. Chester watching Phillip head into the ensuite had the passing idea of joining him in the shower smiled remembering the shower that they had enjoyed together just yesterday before tumbling back into bed and spending half the day there together. He could not get enough of Phillip, but being conscious of his cancer he did not push too hard. Other than what he had promised Phillip, the other thing that restrained him from joining Phillip in the shower was the trouble that was brewing downstairs.

Quickly moving over, he picked up the phone and called downstairs to let senior staff know what they could tell Phillip's parents, before calling Matthew to let him know about his parents return. Matthew, hearing this, confirmed to Chester that he would take steps with his staff to ensure that his parents could not enter the villa grounds, but offered that if then needed somewhere to disappear to, they could come to the Villa or alternatively use guest quarters on the base, if that was the better option.

He then quickly called John to let him know what Phillip's parents were threatening. John reassured him, that he would speak to general duties staff to prevent the situation from escalating.

Just as he pulled out clothes for him and Phillip, Phillip wandered back into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist and saw the medication already for him to take. Giving him a kiss, Chester dais "Give me a few minutes to quickly shower and change and we will go down together to deal with them."

Hurrying Chester headed into the en-suite while Phillip took his medication and changed. As Chester returned, he said "Phillip, I have no idea what we should do with them?"

"They have to get over themselves. We are adults, and there is nothing wrong with our relationship. Now let us go down and deal with them."

Taking each other's hand, they walked downstairs and were directed to the casual dining area where Anthony and Alice Rong were having breakfast. Spotting his son walking hand in hand with Chester, Anthony turned and spat "See I told you Alice, he is unnatural and disgusting. You should have done what I said when you fell pregnant with him, then we would not have to deal with this."

While Phillip was looking at his father, Chester had turned observing Alice, and saw a look of horror crossing her face. Phillip, was ready to have it out with his father. "Father, as I told you, this is my home, not yours. If you cannot accept a perfectly legal relationship occurring in my home, you have a choice. It is called the door, and you can leave going to a hotel."

"You brat, this is my home, not your home and if anyone will be leaving it is you. Plus I am reporting the situation to the police. While I cannot understand why the president championed the changes in the law to allow that unnatural relationship to occur, at least those who understand what is correct made sure the law prevents it from being pushed in faces of people, which is what you did."

Phillip shook his head, realising his father had no idea on anything. He needed to understand things but was not willing to have the debate. "Fine, I figured your attitude would be that. Security will be escorting you from here once you have eaten your meal and you will be taken to a hotel for the length of your stay. This is my property given you transferred it to me when you and mother decided to travel the world. I paid you for your interest in the property. Do not think about threatening me with the company. Between myself and Matthew's shares we own have the majority."

"Matthew will have his shares voted the way I want."

"You forget the basis of the trust, and the authorities have left the voting rights of the shares with me, provided that anything that has an impact on national security is run by them." Phillip paused and observing the look of scorn on his father's face continued "Forget about waiting until you have finished. You can get out now."

Hearing Phillip's words, security came in and Anthony Rong realised that this was an argument that he was not going to win. "Fine, let us go Alice. But forget about the hotel, Matthew's Villa is empty and I have keys so we will stay there." He grabbed Alice's hand and started to pull her out of the room.

Hearing that Chester laughed and said, "Try it." He reached over and stopped Alice briefly before giving her a kiss and saying, "See you mum."

As Anthony stalked out dragging Alice behind him, Phillip looked to Chester and said, "You are wicked."

"And you love me. But in all seriousness, we need to deal with him and his bullying behaviour.


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