How do I deal with a problem?

2 January, LY Studio, City K

As the car Matthew had organised for her pulled up outside LY's studio, Lexi paused to consider her current situation. But before she could get too lost in her thoughts one of the soldiers that he had assigned as a temporary guard, dressed in civilian attire, having already quickly climbed out of the front passenger seat, opened the rear passenger door.

Given what he had done, even with Chester, Andrew and Phillip's cooperation in moving her and Dominic into his villa, Lexi had decided to not speak to Matthew unless absolutely necessary. She minimised speaking to him on New Years Eve, and even yesterday morning to the point he went behind her back and had Chester and Phillip have her agree not to drive any of her vehicles until more permanent solutions could be reached regarding her guards as to his perceived current threat to her safety. Who would be bothered with hurting her, a fashion designed who was about to divorce her husband she was manipulated into marrying.

She was even p*ssed of with, was after he had introduced her to the temporary guards, he trapped her at the villa for the day while he disappeared off to base for the day. As he was effectively a manager, he could not understand his need to be there on that day.

Then, there was the scene that his parents created as they arrived at the Villa gates and tried to force they way in. The staff made sure that they were prevented from entering, but Dominic had been scared by that. God knows what they would do, if they found Dominic and her living here. More importantly as Matthew's parents a few glances would ensure Dominic's parentage would quickly be revealed. That secret needed to remain a secret.

Being trailed by the temporary guard, Lexi entered the studio where she was quickly surrounded by staff, each and ever one of them demanding her attention. Knowing that she had to gain control of the situation she quickly said, "Give me fifteen minutes and we will have a meeting to get things on track."

With that the staff left her and she headed to her office. Looking around Lexi could not believe that in so few years that she was able to shed the spoilt rich princess persona that many of her classmates of her initial design course had labelled her as, to the owner of a up and coming brand, both with luxury and ready to wear elements.

Despite the family wealth, upon her marriage her parents had given Richard control of all her money. While he ensured the house was appropriately financed, she was given little money to clothe herself and ready a nursery for Dominic. Richard, within days of their marriage made it clear that, for the sake of appearances, he would ensure that money was spent on the household to maintain the image of wealth, he was not willing to spend any of the money her parents gave him on her and her bastard child but it would be spent on the woman in his life that deserved it. That was when he taunted her about the existence of his lover, who he made clear was entitled to the best of everything.

Richard, despite that was smart enough to provide her with money while he was alive, always with the comment that she could not complain that he gave her nothing and added a slap to her body to his comments. As the weeks and months of hell progressed Lexi kept quiet as the one time she made a comment Richard's actions made her scared for her safety.

But there were choices to be made. Lexi found the existence of second-hand stores and low-level department stores where she purchased things she needed to outfit Dominic's nursery. She realised that she could use the money she had left to decorate the nursery and with the aid of patterns to make her own clothes. Once she mastered making her own clothes, she started to experiment and designed her own items. Chester on one visit realised that she was enjoying herself doing that, when Richard died helped her follow the career.

However, before she could think further about her career, there was a knock on her door and the guard Matthew assigned came into her office before shutting the door behind her. "Madam Rong, we have done a preliminary check on your staff…"

Rather than shouting, which Lexi knew would draw attention to the situation with a angry undertone Lexi interrupted "How dare you do that."

"Madam Rong, we were ordered to check all your staff by Colonel …"

"Get out," snapped Lexi.

Lexi waited until she was in her office alone, before picking up her phone and dialling Matthew. Within three rings he picked up the phone, saying "Lexi, what can I do for you?"

"You b*stard. How dare you create a problem by checking on my staff. You have no right."

Matthew on the other end of the phone simply shook his head. Lexi had no idea of the situation with all the risks that she was exposed to. He was reluctant to alert her as it would mean that he would need to move her and Dominic to the base and restrict her even more. That was something he was not going to impose on either of them.

"Lexi calm down. It is standard given my current role and rank for anyone around you to go through checking to protect you…"

"Go jump," spat out Lexi "They are my staff and they were fine last week, so they are fine this week. Plus call off your watch dogs."

"Leave them alone to do their job."

"I do not care. I have a problem called them and they are gone."


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