A new friend and support (1)

7 January, Matthew's Villa and Jax Corp headquarters, City K

After watching Matthew leave for his day at the base, Lexi headed to Dominic's room to check on him. She hated not being able to spend this last day before he returned to School after the New Year's break with him, but she had promised Andrew and Chester her help, and she would not go back on her word.

Sticking her head in the door, Lexi said "Dominic, Mummy promised Uncles Andrew and Chester that she would help them today with their business. Will you be alright here..."

"Mummy, Daddy Matthew told the staff to look after me if you and he are not here. He told me that they know what I can and cannot do but told me that I would have to explain to you and him if I tried to do something outside what I am allowed. I am not silly mummy, as I know I have boundaries. Uncle Chester always enforced them, so I know what can happen."

Lexi, hearing Dominic address Matthew the way he did tensed, but tried not to show that reaction to Dominic. Bending down she gave him a hug, and said "You better be good, but if you need me promise that you will call me."

As he pulled back Dominic said, "Go Mummy, I do not need you worrying about me."

Kissing his cheek, Lexi stood off and exited Dominic's room. How independent he was, but she still wanted her little boy to depend on her to some extent. As she headed downstairs, the staff promised her that they would watch Dominic and if there were any concerns that they would call her and Matthew.

When she reached the vehicle three soldiers were waiting for her. The two she knew, and a new member. "Madam Rong, this is Sergeant Angela Yi, the Colonel reassigned her to be your close bodyguard. I have to head back to base." With that he turned and headed to the vehicle.

Seeing the look on Lexi's face, Sergeant Yi said "Madam Rong, please do not worry. I was meant to be the Colonel's secretary, but he wanted someone a female he knew as your temporary bodyguard. I am a real temporary bodyguard, and someone will come and take my place in a couple of weeks. My instructions are that a permanent civilian bodyguard will be appointed, but only once the risks as the Colonel and his senior staff dissipate."

"In other words, you are his spy."

"Madam Rong, provided you abide by a few rules no. My job while I am here is to keep you safe. I just need you to tell me what you intend to do so I can do that. If you tell me your plans and stick to them, we can clear people you will meet and will not hover over you. But if you deviate from those plans or something unexpected arises I, or when someone replaces me, they, will be close to you, but that is simply to guarantee your safety. I have already had everything checked for Master Dominic's return to school and understand security will be in place for him tomorrow. Your studio staff are all cleared, but clients will need checking."

"You are his spy."

"Madam Rong, I will not argue, but I am a competent secretary, and I will step in to help you in this regard. I can manage your diary and arrange all your travel provided I have sufficient notice. Presently all your international travel has to be approved by the colonel as he has to authorise the release of your new passport."

"More importantly, and the Colonel does not know this I have arranged for a trip to a day spa for you tomorrow. I understand that you are helping your brother's out with some business matters and the colonel said that you were stressed out so I figured that would be something you needed, particularly once Master Dominic has returned to school."

Lexi looked at Angela Yi. Maybe she would not be too bad, particularly if she were a competent secretary that would make her life easier while she was with her, as there was a lot coming up. "Fine Sergeant, but you betray me to him, watch out I will make your life a misery."

"Madam that is not my intention, but if things change at short notice, I have my orders and I will speak to the Colonel, but I promise you I will tell you."

That was a compromise that she could live with, and slid into the car, before they drove to Jax Corp's head office. As she walked into the foyer, she noticed Andrew and Chester waiting for her with CEO and Madam Hou. Lexi scowled at her brothers, before running across to them and hitting their hands. She was still annoyed with them and Phillip over last night and their giving in to Matthew.

As she did not want to spend any unnecessary time with her siblings, she asked quickly "How many hours do we have for shopping, you three?" Chester if he had his way, would drag business matters out as long as possible, but ultimately this was not Andrew's style. It would be interesting who won this argument.

Andrew responded "Be back here by three. No ditching the bodyguards at all Lexi, or your ability to do anything will be restricted, if not by Matthew by us. You know the dangers."

After sticking her lounge out at Andrew Lexi said "Fine. Who is picking up…?"

Chester responded, "You know sister that is always arranged, calm down and go." Chester then handed her a Black Credit Card. Lexi smiled and knew she would be having great fun on her brothers.

Taking Anna Hou's hand, Lexi gently pulled her away from the men, who she observed headed into an elevator to head for their business meetings. As they reached a waiting car outside Jax Corp, Lexi noticed two more vehicles waiting there. Some of them she realised as Yao Family bodyguards, who she figured Andrew and Chester must have assigned to watch them and figured that the others were those assigned to Madam Hou.


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