A new friend and support (2)

7 January, JL International controlled Mall, City K

After they settled in, the car gently pulled away. Lexi looked at Madam Hou, wondering if her plans would be the best idea for someone obviously so far along in her pregnancy.

Knowing that she could not delay in explaining her plans, Lexi turned to Madam Hou and said "I hope that you do not feel it to presumptuous of me, but I have planned out the day. We will head to a shopping mall first for some shopping and wandering around, considering how far along you are in your pregnancy. The mall we are going to has several good restaurants we can have lunch at. As my design studio is closer to the Jax Corp headquarters we can head there for a while before I have you back to Jax Corp before our curfew arrives."

As she finished Lexi looked directly at Madam Hou and could see that there was hints of laughter in her eye, and then she let out a chuckle.

As she finished talking Anna, said "Lexi, it is Anna, not Madam Hou. I keep looking around for my mother-in-law, aunt-in-law or grandmother-in-law when you say that." After a brief pause, Anna continued "Could I ask a big favour, before we go shopping could we sit and have something to drink. My husband forgets that I like to have a leisurely breakfast now, and he woke me too late for that to happen."

Lexi nodded, and quietly sat watching Anna Hou as they finished the journey to the Shopping mall owned by JL International. Once they arrived, having spent some time at the Mall, she quickly headed towards her favourite quiet Coffee Shop. As they were shown towards a quiet corner, Lexi arranged for a snack to be served immediately while they ordered their drinks.

While their orders were taken Anna observed Lexi and noticed that something did not seem right. After the staff member left Anna turned to Lexi and asked, "Are you OK?"

"Anna, that is a question I should be asking you. Looking at you, I would guess that you are around seven months pregnant and you came on a business trip with your husband. I remember when I was that far along in my pregnancy. I struggled even to get out of bed, let alone do anything at home. There was no way that I would have dreamed of any international travel, yet here you are."

That shocked Anna "You have a child?"

"A son. I am surprised that your husband did not have me investigated before he agreed to allow you to come shopping with me. He was just on three weeks old when my husband died in a car crash. I was only eighteen and was not in a state of mind to be able to care for him. After talking with Chester, who was going through a hellish marriage my parents coerced him into, he agreed to take care of Dominic to give me time not only to get myself together but to build a career and be ready to come back."

"I headed to France where I studied design. While I travelled back frequently to spend time with Dominic, it was difficult to be here and mentally I could not cope with the idea to do so for years. Around two years ago, I was ready to return, but as I had a business that was developing quickly, I had to take the time to shift it here permanently. That I only achieved around six months ago, where I resumed full-time care for Dominic, but he spends time with his Uncles Chester and Phillip, as Chester has been the primary male figure in his life."

Lexi paused, and then continued "When are you due?"

"In about two months. This is the last time I am going to be able to travel before I give birth, and before you ask, we decided not to know the sex of the baby. We want a surprise. Now, can you answer my question?"

"You are determined, Anna. Cutting a long story short, just after Christmas, a group of us had a dinner where we found out Phillip's younger brother Matthew had been posted to the military base here. He came with Phillip to the party, and towards the end of the night Phillip and Chester ditched us. That was understandable as Phillip is having his third cancer battle and they wanted to spend time together."

"As my Villa, let me rephrase that Chester's Villa that he gave to me as it was Dominic's home, is near Matthew's villa, which he had been given by his grandparents to drop him home. His driver had remained at his villa. We were kidnapped by terrorists and to protect me" Anna noticed when Lexi said protect me she used her hands to indicate that they were in quotation marks "he agreed to go through what I simply took as a sham marriage, after claiming when we were kidnapped he was my fiancé."

"The joke was on me, as given the ceremony was performed by a religious minister licensed to perform marriage ceremonies and Matthew's rank means, the law of the land given some things that I had done when I was younger meant that it was a completely valid and legal marriage, even though there is no marriage certificate issued at the time. I did not want the marriage, but the law here says with military marriages there are penalties for those who interfere with the marriages of military members and that the non-military spouse cannot get an official divorce without the approval of the military member. And there is more …"

Anna turned and put her hand on Lexi's arm seeing how stressed this was making her. She knew that there was something more, but Anna did not want Lexi to have to explain this.

When she had Lexi's attention Anna said "Forget about your marriage and what the problem is at this exact moment. Let us enjoy the day, but my advice, is go with the flow. So, you know my ex, to put it politely was a b*stard, messed with me so much, but what he did has led me to the love of my life. And as to your presumption about my husband's investigation of you, you are correct, and I learnt that your late husband was like that." Anna saw the look that passed over Lexi's face at confirmation of that Hou Yi had done "and who knows what your new marriage will bring. Plus, being nice can help you manipulate him when you need."


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