JL International Anniversary Ball (7)

16 February, Star Dream Hotel, City K

Just before Lexi's offer for a personally designed dress was up for auction, the emcee spent the time reading off the list of silent auction winners.

Sensing her nervousness, Phillip lent over and quietly said "Before that brother of mine comments, do not worry Lexi. I have heard at least five society women all want a personally designed LY dress, so it will be successful last-minute addition."

"You know that is not my concern," responded Lexi.

"Lexi, since everything happened, what has it been six or seven times you have come to my office complaining about being trapped in a marriage you do not want. As I have told you, if you give it a chance and Matthew refuses, I will do everything I can to support you getting a divorce, including speaking to President Dong. You know I will have your back, but as an adult you must live with the consequences of earlier decisions. Chester and I are doing that even now, dealing with that witch."