JL International Anniversary Ball (8)

16 February, Star Dream Hotel, City K

Sitting, observing the whole room, David Hwang could not believe the over the top behaviour that Madam Mo was demonstrating. From when Lexi Yao announced her last minute donation, she could not stop going on about how she needed that prize to make Lexi Yao pay for what happened at court earlier in the week.

As he wanted to keep the Mo family on side, when it looked like Madam Mo was going to lose out, he stepped in to continue the bidding. When it was knocked down to him, he turned to Madam Mo, and said that this was a gift from him. She had no filter and with her praise to him and her plans to make the process an utter misery for Lexi Yao. At that moment, despite his plans, he pitied Lexi Yao having to deal with this woman.