School Visit (1)

26 February, Military Base, City K

Matthew sat in his office watching out the window. Dominic's school visit today was going to be an interesting event, particularly as Lexi had taken the day out of the studio to be a parent accompanying the children. Looking back with General Man and the Base Commandant yesterday at the history of school visits, it was the first time in over ten years that any elite schools had come in a school visit to the base despite the offers to them.

As he stood up, there was a knock on the door and before he could say anything in walked the two people, he knew he would need to discuss matters with. Before he could snap the appropriate greeting, General Man said "At ease, colonel"

Matthew relaxed but before he could respond the Base Commandant added "The two of us spoke after you left our meeting yesterday, spoke to Colonels Wang, Pang and Dang."