School Visit (2)

26 February, Military Base, City K

Shaking his head General Man said, "I should not be surprised with special forces that you are good with keeping secrets. That explains the deployment of Colonels Dang, Pang and Wang here. The commandant is not that dumb that he does not realise there is a problem with four colonels being deployed here in the special forces group."

"You know, I am not worried about him having worked out that. The special forces, unless it is a natural disaster involved, are out of the sphere of influence he has. If he wants to try and control me, he will soon find himself pulled into line."

"You are vicious Matthew."

"To survive in the special forces, to a point you have to be vicious. He is the first base commandant that I have dealt with or observed that tries to control what happens in special forces. In some respect that is driven by what has happened over the last few years here, but…"