19 April, Steven's apartment, City K
All that could be heard was Abigail sobbing, and then Steven heard "Call me later son."
Hearing the unsaid question of make sure that revealing what happened in the press was what Abigail wanted, Steven then noticed that the call had been ended. While having Abigail in his arms was a temptation, Steven pulled back and said "Abigail, come and sit down we have to talk."
Nodding Abigail headed over to the couch and sat down. Steven, moved and sat on the couch across from Abigail, who quietly said "Please sit by me."
While that, given the close quarters they had been in for almost a week was the last thing he wanted, upsetting her given that she was as fragile this morning as she had been last weekend. Steven moved over and sat down as far as he could away from Abigail on the couch as he could.
Looking at a teary-eyed Abigail, quietly Steven said "Abigail, are you sure that you are alright?"