Trouble just got worse (1)

19 April, Steven's apartment, City K

When he gathered his thoughts, Steven moved towards the spare bedroom door, and stood outside and he could hear Abigail sobbing inside crying out softly "No one loves me," repeatedly.

The sobbing for some reason struck right at Steven's heart. In one breath he wanted to enter the room and comfort Abigail, but at the same time there was no way he wanted to do that as it would give Abigail ideas about a relationship. Making sure the door was shut, Steven moved away and into the kitchen to make himself a coffee while pondering what to do. As he went to turn his mobile onto silent, it started ringing and seeing that the caller ID was his father he quickly answered it, placing the coffee on the benchtop as he did.

"Father, what do you want? I thought we had discussed everything earlier?"

"Is Abigail with you?" came a somewhat hesitant answer on the other end of the phone.