A Rushed Wedding (8)

19 April, LY Studio, City K

"And you want me to keep the secret? Do you want people to lynch me when they find out?"

"Yes and no. All I am asking you to do is keep quiet for a few hours, not to keep quiet about it forever. In the end, too much of a fuss will draw the attention of the one person we do not want."

"Fine, now I better figure out what dresses Abigail needs with the staff. Ready to wear clothes are easy. I will just get some additional items pulled from the store…"

"Do not make her too uncomfortable please," came Steven's quiet voice.

"Me, never," same the immediate somewhat sarcastic reply. "Seriously I need to head out, but you have two choices, wait here as I want some mystery for you or go and pick rings for Abigail."

"The former, we have already organised the rings which are being resized and will be delivered to my father to bring along."

"I will get someone to bring you in a tea while you wait then."