A Rushed Wedding (9)

19 April, LY Studio, City K

Seeing the tiara, Lexi, and Abigail both gasped. Lexi could not believe what was in her hands. The tiara that she was going to be perfect for both Abigail and the dress. The tiara that she was about to arrange to lend her would have been a pale imitation for them. It was obviously delicate the design was carried by the metalwork which used Gold, Silver and Platinum to create a stunning design with just a sprinkling of diamonds to pop the flowers in it.

Lexi quietly said, "Abigail this is going to suit more than what I was going to lend you."

In similar hushed tones Abigail said "It looks perfect, not too fussy but…"

"My thoughts." Louder Lexi added "But it means we need to change the lace in the back of the dress as this will not work with what it there."

A few seconds of silence ensued while Lexi replaced the tiara in the box, before someone on a nearby table placed some lace, and asked "This one?"