Forgive me? (11)

12 May, Military base hospital, City K

After a period of stunned silence, Matthew said "Lexi, I am the one that needs to beg your forgiveness, not you…"

"Matthew, I remember everything. I should have told you…"

"No, Lexi," came the worried response from Matthew. "I should not have did what I did on Thursday night."

"No, you do not have to explain…"

"I do, I really do Matthew, you deserve to hear everything from me."

"Lexi, no…"

Before Matthew further could respond Major Yu carefully removed the phone from Lexi's hand, and said "General, I need to speak to your wife. Remember what I said to you."

Quietly Matthew responded, "Yes Major, I promise I will behave."

"That means with your in-laws as much as anything else."

Before Matthew could add anything further, Major Yu hung up the phone before placing it down and turning to Lexi who snapped "Why in the world did you do that. We needed to talk."