Forgive me? (12)

12 May, Military base hospital, City K

Major Yu looked at Dr Zu, before saying "Before you have to make that decision, we need to review the MRI, which should be in now."

Motioning to Dr Zu, the two of them moved to a computer terminal in the corner of the room, and quickly started to look at the images on the monitor, quietly talking to each other. Lexi strained but could not make out what they were saying.

While watching the two doctors, Lexi started to think about the decision that she needed to make. Which path. Potentially being trapped in a bed for weeks, or the possibility of getting home quickly. Invasive surgery or waiting with stable breaks for them to heal? Being home with Matthew and Dominic, and trying to work through things with Matthew and possibly save the marriage while being with Dominic or being stuck in a hospital? Would ten days mean that casts could be put on and she could then go home? Did she need casts at that time?