Do you want nothing to do with Dominic? (6)

14 May, Courthouse, City K

"No, no, no," came a cry from both Mr and Madam Yao. The smile Matthew could see on Lexi's face said everything. They had realised that they had been correct in telling them they would lose. In fact, they had just realised that they had lost everything. Dominic and more importantly the money and control of the shares that allowed the two of them force themselves into Jax Corp business without any need.

Asserting control, so not to come across as arrogant, Matthew continued "The terms of my wife's parents' wills, clearly excluded my wife from benefit from their estates due to the dowry them provided marriage. As that marriage was invalid, they never legally provided the dowry, and they should pass to my wife. Even if it does not, it will pass to her two brothers the only beneficiaries of their parents will, who I suspect will honour the intent of the agreement which was to provide for my wife."