Do you want nothing to do with Dominic? (7)

14 May, Courthouse, City K

As the Yao's lawyer started to speak, Matthew knew Lexi was about to snap and sent her a text message 'Let it be Lexi. They are only creating a worse situation for themselves. Your lawyers and Bronwyn are passing messages to each other, so they know what to do.'

Watching Lexi, Matthew could see the minute that Lexi read the message and saw her relax.

Continuing the Yao's lawyer added "That then generates one other issue the court has to decide. Our client's only use the income the shares produce to maintain their residence, which Dominic will eventually inherit. It does not produce the income necessary for Dominic's everyday needs, including his schooling at the right school for him, and all the necessary security needed for them and Dominic due to the actions of their former daughter-in-law and the General. Those costs are something with her business and the General's family wealth the court should order them to pay."