Parents meet Parents (7)

31 May, Lake View Cafe, City K

Xavier, ready said "It seems like we can trust Nang Enterprises to a point, as you do seem able to put two and two together and come up with four," before letting out a little laugh.

John, seeing the staff had quietly came in and adjusted the table again, before slipping back out and shutting the door, said "Rather than us all standing around, can I suggest that we sit."

As everyone sat down, John carefully took Bronwyn's hand and looked around before saying "This is not quite the situation that I believed tonight was going to be, but I proposed to Bronwyn, and she accepted my proposal today."

"Well son, that was obviously the case when you asked me about the gold…"

"Who cares about gold, Harry Nang, more importantly is the stones, and those we have," came Xavier.