What are you thinking about? (1)

1 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

Lexi awoke, and slightly turned her head, and noticed Matthew asleep beside her. Normally when she awoke, he was either wide awake aside her, in the bathroom or even left their room. Watching him sleep beside her, made her contemplate how much her life had changed since returned home eleven months ago.

She would have been back almost two years earlier, but shifting her business had taken loner than anticipated, and had been frustrating. She had wanted to get back, so badly to Dominic and become the parent he deserved, having finally pulled herself together emotionally. A big part of that was the self-esteem she had rebuilt in creating LY, because she had shown herself that she was useful and worthwhile, not pigeonholed into the little boxes her parents saw for her. That of being their daughter, a mother, and a wife, who stayed at home.