What are you thinking about? (2)

1 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

As he finished Matthew moved leant over and gently kissed Lexi before adding "It is amazing to wake up with you beside me. I wondered months ago if all this ever would be was a dream, but the reality is more than I could ever believe."

With a gentle smile on her face Lexi said, "Sweet talking me?"

"Telling the truth my love. Despite trying to move on after your so-called marriage with that arse, I could only ever imagine waking up with you by my side. Yes, I dated, but no matter how close I got to them, I could never see them as we are now. Not only content and happy, but knowing we are with the person we love."

Lexi gently shook her head and added "Stop lying to me. A man such as yourself, you would have had other women in your life."