Technology Strike (4)

10 June, David Hwang's Villa, City K

Turning to the screen, Joan started to scroll down and read the posts.

'How dare the police hide the truth.  They are manipulated the system and are trying to manipulate the public'.

'Tell me how?'

'What!  Do tell.  You cannot keep secrets.'

'You know no one will care about what I, an unknown has found out with some investigation'.

'Do not let that worry you.  Tell us your friends.'

'Yeah, we can help you spread the truth.'

'I worry though, it exposes the rich and powerful, and I am just a worker with no support behind me.'

'You have us supporting you.'

'+1 and you are telling the truth.  That is all that counts.'

'Come on, stop worrying, and tell us what you know.'

'Yes, my friend, tell me what you know.'

'Can you tell me what you are talking about?  What is being manipulated?'

'We the public are.  The police lied to us'.