You failed (1)

11 June, Matthew's Villa, City K

Matthew, opened his eyes, to find Lexi looking at him, before saying "I am surprised that you awake before me and I did not realise it."

Lexi smiled and said, "You were totally exhausted last night."

"Exhausted, who is to blame for that?"

Lexi laughed and said "Me.  You carried me from downstairs up here after we knocked the wheelchair over, and then carefully bathed me before putting me into bed.  No matter how strong of a soldier you are, there always will be a limit…"

"Particularly when you made things difficult for me to do what is needed."

Lexi tipped her head towards her left shoulder slightly and said "So, I am your wife, and I am entitled to do so."  With that Lexi grabbed a pillow and gently threw it at Matthew who had smirking smile on his face.

Grabbing the pillow Lexi threw at him Matthew carefully placed it behind her and said, "What were you doing last night on Weibo?"