12 June, LY Studio, City K
Lexi hearing this, quickly responded "Rachael, their only intention was to hide what they saw as the shame of an unwed pregnant daughter…"
Calmly Rachael responded "Lexi, true. But we know that they had an old-fashioned mindset that society would not accept that they had a pregnant unwed teenage daughter. Consider that against my parents, who see me nothing as a weapon that they constantly want to use against the other. As strange as it may seem, I would want your parents and their attitude because at least there is a sense that they care."
"You would want that? You have to be crazy."
"It may be, but seriously Lexi consider the alternative. Your parents trying to constantly drag you into their fights and use you as a weapon against the other."
Lexi paused and said, "We just have to agree to disagree on that point Rachael."