Business with a mission (3)

12 June, LY Studio, City K

Rachael laughed, and said "You have to ask with what my business is like?  Within two months of opening, it was the most popular food business at the university, to the point they offered us a space six times bigger than we were operating in at no higher rent.  Yes, there was a condition that we assisted in providing placements for final year business managements students, which I agreed to.  By now, the woman, who you have met…"

Lexi hesitantly asked, "The deputy CEO of your company is this woman? "

"You are quite smart Lexi.  Yes, Gabrielle is that woman.  She told me to grab the opportunity, provided we had final say on the students to protect the women working in the shop.  But due to the success of the Coffee Shop in such a short period of time, my uncles were willing to listen to the business proposals Gabrielle and I developed."