Wedding Plans (3)

12 June, Nang Family Villa, City K

Rachael, sat there in shock.  Bronwyn's mother was pregnant.  Oh my god!  What news.  John would have a sibling-in-law, young enough to be his own child.  How ironic, for someone who had a troubled relationship with Sally over the years.  He was now going to deal with a child, from infancy through to adulthood, who would always be closer in age to his own children than himself and his wife.  She could not help to say to herself, karma.  John deserved the trouble in that respect that was coming his way.

That shock, had Rachael sit there quietly for a few minutes, not paying attention to the conversation that was happening between Sophia and Linda, simply sipping her cup of tea.

Sophia turned and said, "Earth to Rachael, are you paying attention."

Shaking herself out from the somewhat state of shock that she was in Rachael, put down her cup and said "Apologise.  When I heard your news Madam Li…"