Wedding Plans (4)

12 June, The Venue, City K

After having spent a couple of hours wandering around various locations at The Venue, Rachael brought Sophia and Linda into the coffee shop in the foyer of the six-star hotel part of the complex and ushered them to sit down.  Within minutes while she was sipping in a latte Sophia and Linda were enjoying a cup of tea, while they were waiting for light snacks to be brought forward.

Rachael quietly asked, "Aunty Sophia, Aunty Linda, now you have seen the various locations here, your thoughts?"

Linda quickly responded "Sophia, I always wanted my daughter to be married in a church.  Yes, it is not our local church in the capital, but the chapel here is beautiful for a wedding ceremony."

"My thoughts exactly," responded Sophia before turning to Rachael and saying "Rachael, will it be big enough?"