Wedding Plans (5)

12 June, The Venue, City K

"Oops!" came the laughing response from Linda.

"Oops, my a*se, Linda."

Throwing up her hands, Linda quickly said "Do not blame me.  I only got told after I got off my flight from the capital.  Apparently, my husband decided he had to do something for his daughter's wedding."

Rachael could not help but to shake her head.  While the words themselves indicated anger at the situation, it was clear that there was a close friendship here.  There was no anger in their tone or the body language.

Rachael calmly said "That seems to be resolved, Aunty Sophia, Aunty Linda.  I can, if needed on the day change the altar we have put in place.  We only need thirty or so minutes to make the change."

Sophia stuck out her tongue at Linda and said "Fine," which drew laughter from Linda.  Rachael just shook her head.  She through when she was together with her friends that they could be childish.  This took the cake.