Wedding Plans (6)

12 June, John's apartment, City K

John opened his door, and ushered Bronwyn inside.  Before he could even thing, Bronwyn had moved and poured them both a glass of wine and handing it to John.

As they both sat on the couch, Bronwyn said "You realise our mothers are getting out of control?"

"Out of control?  I think we reigned them in.  Did you really want the huge wedding that they wanted?"

Bronwyn smiled and said "Absolutely not.  It would have been a circus, with our mothers fighting for control of what was happening.  They would have wanted the biggest venue they could secure with it becoming a business event for your uncles and my father.  We would have simply been told what to do, rather than it being about us."

John leant over and gently kissed Bronwyn before saying "With this, they still get to run wild, but you remember my friend Rachael we had dinner with a few weeks ago?"

"The one whose family own restaurants?"