Reception (1)

14 June, The Venue, City K

At the signal, the guard of honour drew to attention, before pulling out their swords to form arch that the bride and groom would walk under.  Bronwyn, just before they went to walk under the arch, paused, which stopped John.  John turned and looked at her, smiled and then bent down giving her a gentle kiss, before the two of them walked under the arch.

As per tradition, as they reached the last pair of fellow soldiers in the arch the two of them brought their swords down, stopping the two of them.  Bronwyn, could not help herself but to laugh at John's overreaction before the Major in charge, who heard the announcement inside, said "Presenting the bride and groom, their Highnesses, Prince and Princess John, the Duke and Duchess of Xang."

With that, the swords were lifted and formed the final sword arch to allow them to pass through.