Reception (3)

14 June, The Venue, City K

On arriving at the reception venue and being shown inside, everyone was given access to their phones. As soon as she got her phone back, without thinking Abigail immediately jumped online to see what was in the news about John and Bronwyn's wedding. The first search result immediately brought up a press release from the Glace Palace in Country M, so she clicked on it and started reading.

Press Release, from the office of the King and Queen

It is with the greatest pleasure that their Majesties announce the marriage of their nephew Prince John, Duke of Xang to Lieutenant Bronwyn Li the daughter of General and Madam Li today 14th June in City K, Country Y. Prince John is the oldest and only son of his majesty's sister Princess Sophia and her husband, Harry Nang, Duke of Na, CEO of Nang Enterprises. Princess John is the only niece of the current CEO and only granddaughter of the previous CEO of the Eng Group.