Terrorism? (9)

14 June, City Hall Square, City K

Seeing the venom in Robert Hung's eyes, Joseph looked away slightly before turning back and responding "No.  I just wanted your opinion. "

"Then do not ask stupid questions.  The issue is what you want.  I know the limits of what I can order soldiers to do, as the power when there is a possibility of terrorism special forces units have the lead role from the military standpoint, unless there is no unit on site."

Joseph paused and thought.  Based on his earlier conversation with David, he needed to use every resource at hands, so he turned to Robert and said "We need to secure the scene for the investigation to occur.  Can you…"

"Task the soldiers on site to secure the location, already done, and the message has been sent to those coming that that is their task.  I am aware that the police and whoever you have coming will not the scene overwhelmed."