Terrorism? (10)

14 June, City Hall Square, City K

Following David's direction, Inspector Gan, opened the door and David followed him through, and observed the Senator with his back to them on a phone screaming "I do not give a f*ck.  The story is that b*stard who is the president, firstly ensured that in an election campaign he gets to mix with the Royal Family of Country M, and then ensures that I am attacked."

There were a few seconds of silence and then he continued "I f*cking told you.  The story is the president set me up to be attacked while he is interaction with the military and the Royal Family of Country M."

Silence happened again, and the Senator yelled "Just publicise the story as I told you.  That b*stard should never have been elected president at the last election.  I was meant to be the president, not him, because he manipulated things, and that b*stard is doing it again."