A sweet interlude (5)

19 June, Yao family villa, City K

Andrew, looked up from the book he was reading and observed Sally walking in with her briefcase in hand.  Smiling he said, "You finally decided to come home?"

Laughing Sally said, "Unlike you, Mr CEO, I am just a worker bee, who has to get things finished before she can leave the office?"

"Worker bee, my princess, you have to be kidding yourself."

Sally laughed and dropped her briefcase before moving over to and settling on Andrew's lap tossing the book aside before leaning over and gently kissing him on the lips.

Seeing the smile on Andrew's face, Sally said "Can we have a rational discussion?"

"Rational discussion?  Does that mean you want to talk about hiding the truth about your mother?"

Sally closed her eyes, and moved to make herself more comfortable on Andrew lap before opening her eyes and saying, "Will you let me talk, without getting angry again?"