Hints of an attack (3)

20 June, Matthew's Office, Military Base, City K

Bronwyn sat there, letting the silence fill the room for a couple of minutes before saying "What do you want to do?"

Matthew shook himself out of his thoughts and said "I am going to use her the next couple of weeks to get any intelligence I can.  In the end, her childhood friendship will not save her.  She is not an innocent participant; she is driving what is happening.  The unknown is how much is her and how much is the devil."

Seeing Bronwyn nod, Matthew added "Getting back to what we were talking about.  As you read on the microdots, it was clear that Joan sold what happened as indulging in a fantasy, which with her s*xual proclivities was not surprising.  Officer N, knew there was something more about that, including believing that it was to set up her and at least some of the men involved.  Then she confirmed what happened the following day."

"You are not telling me something I had not read."