Detection (8)

24 June, Military Base Hospital, City K.

Meanwhile, Matthew escorted Lexi into a meeting room, where three doctors were awaiting them.  As he shut the door behind them, he secretly switched on the anti-jamming device that he had Bronwyn get from his office and waited until Lexi was seated before sitting beside her.

Matthew turned to Lexi and said "I know what you told me about what you wanted for your security team in the weeks after I assigned a couple of soldiers to provide your security.  I tried to get that through my superiors, who for various reasons refused.  They wanted a heavy military presence, given what happened six months ago, but I convinced them to agree to me assigning eight members of special forces who have high close quarters skills to act as bodyguards…"

Lexi slapped Matthew and said "You b*stard.  You lied and told me I had a civilian security team.  Why in the f*ck should I forgive you for anything."