Detection (9)

24 June, Military Base Hospital, City K.

Lexi looked around and started to shake.  Seeing this Matthew, quietly said "Give us a few minutes."

Without hesitation everyone else left the room, and Lexi turned to Matthew asking in a defeated voice "You knew this would happen?"

Matthew shook his head, saying "No.  But we both must be honest.  Joan will try to seduce anyone she can.  I know what she did to you, and you know she attempted to seduce me.  And we know of her preferences …"

Lexi nodded and said "We both understand people explore their own s*xuality.  The question is where it the line that they are comfortable with and what goes over their limits."

Matthew nodded and said "I know.  It shocked me when I found about Rachael…"

"I was the same, but my take from that was that Joan only went that far when people agreed.  I cannot comprehend her doing this.  It has to be wrong; it just has to be…"