Ready to strike? (1)

24 June, Matthew's Office, Military Base, City K

Bronwyn stood in the doorway to Matthew's office and heard him say "Get out of here for the moment.  You are not cleared for what I have to talk to the Lieutenant about."

"F*ck clearance, if it involves Lexi I need to know."

"Just get the f*ck out for ten minutes.  You can do it voluntarily or I will have you removed, and you will not like how that is done."

"You and whose Army?"

Laughing Matthew said "Anyone out there.  You forget you are on an army base, and at present I am the second highest ranking officer here.  I can quiet easily order any one of them, including your wife, to drag you're a*se out of here, and they will do it."

"You a*se, just wait and I will call Chester and Phillip.  You want a fight; I will certainly bring it.  And if you really want to try, I can quiet happily make one call to my uncle and have this blown up into an international incident."