Jail Birds (4)

27 June, Military Court, Military Base, City K

Just on two hours later, Steven calmly stood and said "Sirs, Can we please have half an hour.  We need to finalise checking the last defence submission folders, but based on out review of the previous six, we believe that all the prosecution responding material has been filed, either initially or first thing this morning and was emailed to each defence team, as well as hard copies being handed to them when they arrived at court.  We also need to have a brief final discussion with our witnesses for the pressing, conditional release hearings."

As he finished speaking Steven turned and observed the look on the defence teams faces, before sitting and quietly saying "Did I not tell you they would be predictable?"

"You did, and honestly I figured there would be some predictability but…"

"There are no buts in the law Bronwyn."  At that moment Steven paused as the judges left the bench.