Jail Birds (5)

27 June, Military Court, Military Base, City K

Joan watched as Steven walked out of the courtroom, and turned to Lawyer Chi, spitting out "Why in the world did you allow him to do that?"

"Madam Hwang, I need you to accompany me so I can have discussions with you and your husband, while the other lawyers talk to their clients."

Joan turned and looked at David who shook his head before nodding, and following Lawyer Chi out of the courtroom, walking beside David.  She noticed two military guards trailing behind them and spat out "Get away from us.  You will report everything to the prosecution."

Lawyer Chi, hearing Joan, turned around and said "Madam Hwang.  Please calm down.  You are still in custody, and they have to follow you."  Louder he added "But they will be standing a distance away from the interview room door, so that I can talk to the two of you without fear of being overheard."