Jail Birds (6)

27 June, Military Court, Military Base, City K

Steven calmly said "Lexi, I know your concerns and understand that I am going to do everything that I can to protect you, but things will get out.  The question is, how?  I can control things, if it comes out from the prosecution side but…"

"If I do not agree, and that b*tch and those around her control how it gets out it will utterly destroy me.  Steven, I am damned if I do and damned if I do not.  It will ruin my business."

"Lexi do not be that fatalistic.  Throughout the years I have seen your business support anti-drug campaigns and allowing the fact that you were illegally drugged and manipulated to come out plays into that position.  And, while you can get angry with me, I spoke to Uncle Gu about bringing forward a campaign that we were doing, regarding the impacts of people being illegally drugged, whether with legal or illegal substances…"